Choose Your Scenarios
Our scenarios are created in collaboration with healthcare experts, specifically written to provide clinicians the opportunity to apply their skills in a standardized format, assess cultural competencies, and increase responsiveness when working with diverse patient populations.
Assessing Anxiety in a Nonbinary Adult
Jax (they/them/theirs) is a 19 year old, presenting to the outpatient clinic with concerns regarding significant anxiety and panic-related symptoms. These symptoms have been bothersome and Jax is interested in learning more about treatment options.
Consulting a Gay man about HIV PrEP
Jon (he/him/his) wants to discuss HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis. Take a complete sexual history and consult accordingly.
Discussing Religion and Mental Health with a Cisgender Woman
Patient doesn’t believe in anti-depressants due to her religious faith. She called this appointment to discuss her trouble sleeping and frequent headaches.
Assessing Leg Rash on a Person with Paraplegia
Patient with paraplegia requested this visit due to a rash on both their legs.
Obtaining Medical Clearance for Transgender Patient
This patient, who takes injectable estrogen purchased online, has requested a visit to get their medical clearance and immunizations form completed for graduate school and to establish care.
Assessing Major Depressive Disorder in your Asexual Patient with Relationship Concerns
Jae Smith is a 25-year-old BIPOC trans male asexual heteroromantic patient. He is seeking a consult for his depressive symptoms, which have persisted for over 6 months.
Consulting transgender patient on Long-Acting Injectable PrEP
A 45-year-old patient is engaging in an extramarital affair and wants something discrete while protecting themselves and their partner.
Nonbinary Patient Seeking Substance Treatment
Jordan is a 26-year-old person who was referred to a provider for “substance treatment”. Patient is hoping to discuss potential options regarding how to best address substance use.
Taking an Organ Inventory for a New Patient
Michelle is a 60 year-old patient presenting for evaluation of 40 pound unintentional weight loss over the past 6 months. As part of your evaluation, you would like to assess whether their age-appropriate cancer screening is up to date.
Preparing for a Trauma-Informed Physical Exam & Pap Test
38 year old trans man (assigned female at birth) is presenting to establish care by video visit and asking if he needs a pap smear.
Supporting your 60-year-old patient through their Gender Emergence
60-year-old patient that recently began hormone therapy, presents with heart racing & trouble sleeping. Patient seeks support coming out to their wife.

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