Obtaining Medical Clearance for Transgender Patient

by | May 10, 2023

Patient Name

Karl Sheffield (Legal Name on Chart)

Reason for Visit

This patient has requested this visit to get their medical clearance and immunizations form completed for graduate school and to establish care.


This is a Telehealth Visit in a Family Practice Clinic – First visit to this clinic and with this provider.

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE)

Note: This will not be provided to learners, as it is a part of their tasks.

Gender Pronouns: She/Her
Sex Assigned at Birth: Male
Gender Identity: Transgender Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight


Participants have 20 minutes to conduct this visit.


Take a relevant history to complete the provided medical clearance form.


There will be verbal feedback with the SP following the visit.

Learning Objectives

  • The student will demonstrate the ability to gather appropriate medical history, history of present illness, develop a treatment plan, and provide patient education and/or referral in a culturally competent manner (B2.07).
  • The student will demonstrate the ability to utilize patient’s pronouns with good rapport and sensitivity (B2.06c)
  • The student will demonstrate the ability to provide medical care to a patient with consideration for gender identity (B2.06c).
  • The student will demonstrate the ability to discuss a treatment plan, in a culturally sensitive manner, with consideration for adherence to the treatment plan (B2.12a)

Who Should Participate?

PA, NP, MD, or DO


Medical Clearance Form with Social Work Program Requirements will be provided to participants before meeting with the patient.


Johnna Yealy Ph.D., PA-C

Dr. Yealy has a long history in PA education. She has served as the founding director of three PA programs in various settings. Her PhD in Global Health Science Education prepared her well for health profession curriculum development and assessment. Dr. Yealy’s focus in contributing to the Simclusive series is to train health professionals to treat all patients with dignity and respect.

Struggling to meet curriculum needs in cultural competency and diverse patient populations?

Get help recruiting SPs, training, and managing the SP component of your simulation needs.
